Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fresh supplies of wine from the Montagu/Robertson/BonnievaleEstates

Today we have sunshine! Can you even begin to imagine how amazed and excited we are?!! I am afraid that the whole Coast has taken a battering this past 4 - 5 days. Such a huge volume of rain brings problems;- the water table rises, the Bathrooms are affected as the mud mingles with the normally pristine bore-hole water, the gutters cannot cope, and the rooms become wet at their entrances and inside on the carpets. The Guests naturally are frustrated and cross as they came ostensibly to ' sunny South Africa ' - so you can imagine the collective sigh of relief as life returns to normal.

Johan braved all that bad weather yesterday in order to visit our wine estates, driving there and back all in the one day - approx. 1000 kms - just to put that wine back on the wine list. So here is a picture of Gordon, the Gardener and multitasker extraordinaire helping to bring those precious wine boxes from the bakkie.

The stairs leading up to the new Cottage I shall feature in my next posting. Meanwhile we are all out in the sunshine !!

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